Oggok SK quest - Tavax Darkblood


Dalayan Beginner
There is an Oggok SK quest given by Tavax Darkblood where he talks about a runeblade and gives you an Initiate's Long Sword. He tells you to prove yourself by taking the sword and killing Tal'yan with it, and he mentions prophets in particular, to cover the blade in their blood.

I've killed about a dozen prophets and more other types such a guardians, and come back and hail Tavax, but he gives me the starting dialogue again. If I go through the steps in dialogue, he stops at the point where I say I want to prove myself again (the point he gave me the lore long sword before). I had the sword equiped and was using it, so I thought maybe I should hand it back to him. No dice.

I went back, killed some more tal'yan, came back, same thing. The sword item itself has not changed to be something like "blood covered long sword" or anything, and nothing blood-related has dropped from any of the tal'yan. I also tried handing the sword in with tal'yan prayer beads, and then again with tal'yan tongues, just to check but he hands it all back.

Am I just supposed to keep killing them until the sword item itself changes? I'm kind of stuck, and the dialogue / quest / instructions don't really give any clues as to what I am doing wrong.

Thank you.
He mentions prophets? If so that needs to be fixed, he definitely shouldn't say anything about targeting prophets.

ack - I could have sworn I read prophets, maybe I was just inordinately tired. I will make a mule and check right now.

yup. I'm an idiot. soothsayers not = prophets. sorry for wasting time. time to sleep ; )

In the next step of this quest, does the killing again have to be done with the weapon given to you (after the first step)? I killed someone I'm *pretty*darn*sure* was the right guy, but not with the blood-stained weapon. Is this a big booboo? Because now everyone in Oggok likes me even less ; ) and I have gotten no further =/ Could I request changing the text somewhere along the line to specify that the actual weapon needs to be used, if this is the case, to make sure no one else gets confused?

Sorry for the late reply - the NPC you need to kill shouldn't lower *any* factions whatsoever. I just looked at his entry and his faction is one that doesn't result in any being increased/lowered on death. You probably killed the wrong NPC.
I've completed the first two parts of this quest. I killed the Tal'Yan Soothsayer and Runemaster Zevix. Both are located in Greenmist. When you kill the Tal'Yan Soothsayer, the sword will lodge inside the Soothsayer, so after that first hit, change to a different weapon, damage will show as punches. When the Soothsayer is down, loot the corpse for a Blood-Stained Long Sword. After you kill Runemater Zevix, you'll loot a Symbol of Blood. Turn both the sword and Symbol of Blood into Tavax Darkblood. You will gain experience, and recieve an Initiate's Runeblade from Tavax Darkblood. He now sends you to talk to Smith Glurb, also in Oggok. If you hail Smith Glurb wielding the Initiate's Runeblade, he will say this.

You say,'Hail, Smith Glurb'

Smith Glurb says,'Ooh, yuz hab da runeblade? Me know what yuz want! Da obsidian edged runeblade, yep!'

-[The what?]

Smith Glurb says,'Da runeblad is a special sword Glurb makes for da Shadowknights. Yuz need a special ingot for it.'

-[Where do I get this ingot?]

You say,'Where do I get this ingot?'

Smith Glurb says,'Da ingot needs [unworked obsidian]. Me not know where dat comes from, but yuz look smart!'

-[Unworked obsidian? What is that?]

You say,'Unworked obsidian? What is that?'

Smith Glurb says,'It takes four shards of obsidian to make da intog. Den yuz give Glurb two ingots, da temper, and da runeblade... Glurb make yuz a nice sword.'

-[How do I make this temper?]

You say,'How do I make this temper?'

Smith Glurb says,' Humm... Glurb not know hot to make da demper. Maybe yuz talk to da brewer here.'

Skorg is the Oggok, Ogre brewer. Hail him and he says this.

You say,'Hail, Skorg'

Skorg says,' Skorg has der things for you dat wants to make somethin' strong! Skorg also know how to make der dark temper.'

-[How do I make this dark temper?]

You says,'How do I make this dark temper?'

Skorg says,'You take der blood of something dead, der dust that decays, and two of der flesh of a zombie. You combine dat inder barrel and gets a temper!'

The Dark Temper seems straight forward, only thing I might have a problem finding is [blood of something dead]. I've seen [decaying dust] drop off of skeletons that are around the crescent shaped monolith in Greenmist. The [flesh of a zombie], I have seen drop off of Zombies of course. Anyone have any idea what drops [blood of something dead]?

I think the hardest part is going to be finding [unworked obsidian] or [obsidian shards]. Smith Glurb called it two different things. I thought it might be Obsidian Slab off of the Gargoyles in the Obsidian Shard Mountains, but that didn't work. I collected four, but they will not combine in the forge in Oggok. Should I break the Obisidan Slab somehow to make shards, or are there [obsidian shards] out there somewhere? I'd really like to see this sword. The shield I quested for Bloggo's Shield Quest, created with Obsidian is very nice. I'd very much like to see a Shadowknight only sword made with Obsidian. Please, someone out there, give me a hint where to find [unworked obsidian] or [obsidian shards]. Or do I need to do something with the four Obsidian Slab that I currently have? Any help is appreciated.
It should only say unworked obsidian, I'll get that fixed when I can. The blood *should* be dropping, I completed the quest fully with an SK character to test it out and everything worked ok.
I think I'm stuck now. I gathered the components and a brewer made me a Dark Temper, and I have the sword for turn in. I found a player that mined Obsidian Ore, and I purchased two Obsidian Ingots, medium sized. The Wiki shows there are three different sized ingots; small, medium, and large. I tried turning in the sword, Dark Temper, and two medium sized Obsidian Ingots, but Smith Glurb returned the items. Do I have the wrong sized ingots, or are there different ingots out there I should be turning in? So far I have not come across unworked Obsidian. I've seen mined Obsidian Ore, player crafted Obsidian Ingots (small, medium, & large), and Obsidian Slab from the Gargoyles in Obsidian Shard Mountains. Has anyone seen [unworked obsidian], or is this another term for Obsidian Ore and I just need to use a different size player crafted ingot? Any help is appreciated.
The bandit miners seems to have changed profession, Ive searched the entire zone and theyre simply just not there anymore.

any clues to where the obsidian might be obtained now?

Xoji, the spookyknight.
Xeldan said:
It should only say unworked obsidian, I'll get that fixed when I can. The blood *should* be dropping, I completed the quest fully with an SK character to test it out and everything worked ok.

where i need to go get the unworked obsidian, i was like running thrue OS mnt from right to left and up and down never saw "a bandit miner"!

Thank you
I just finished this quest recently myself, took forever to find the bandit miners. They are somewhat hidden, along the zone-edge, just don't remember which area. I believe it was the area that was hill giant central on Live. I only found a few, 3 in one group,, and 2 in another spot a short run away. Good luck

Well i had no problem finding the quest items but putting them together is the problem, does anyone know how to brew the temper for this quest?
ok i see now, i need flesh not skin, but when i tryed to combine i lost all the items, YAY! what a waste
apparently im not skilled enough...... wish i would have know that before i lost them........
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