Oggok Enchanter Quest #2 --- Prayer Beads, Strong Silk Cord, and Galia


Dalayan Master
This quest has been covered before in forums, and it seems like after a year it's not fixed...I was able to complete the first quest that Galia gave to me (Runic Weapons), and now I cannot complete quest #2 involving Tal'Yan Prayer Beads and a Strong Silk Cord. I have tried the following:

-combining beads in Salvage Kit (they won't combine)
-handing in two beads directly (gives them back)
-handing in three beads (see above)
-handing in Cord + two beads (returned)
-handing in Cord + three beads (no good).

I destroyed my salavge kit, asked for another, tried the same thing - no result. All of these attempts have been made with a Dark Elf illusion and Alliance.

I also have the Mage-Wizard warfare quest going on, and I'm on the leg where you have to have illusion: ogre cast on you before talking to Galia. I don't know if this would affect the prayer beads quest, since she seems to provide responses to both quests when I hail her (1. do you need another salavge kit...2. "You stop short of hailing her - she cannot know your true identity!)
Rather than meddle with Galia and risk further breakage to the old quest, I just put the new stuff in on top of it--if you have the old quest active, she does indeed proffer replies to both. The caster warefare bits won't interfere.
does this mean, you put the new stuff in on top of it BEFORE I made this post, referring to the changes you made in the past, or have you put new stuff in SINCE I made this post?

As of 9-24-07, the quest still won't work for me...I'm level 20 with the benevolence spell, so I can get Galia to amiable. I've tried all possible combinations of turning in the items. Help!

EDIT: I should have been more specific -- as of 9/28/07, this is the second quest for Enchanters in Oggok given out by Galia de'Barra. The items involved are:

-Tal'yan prayer beads (I have 3)
-Galia's Salvage Kit
-A Strong Silk Cord

I have all of these items, and even with dark elf illusion + benevolence, I cannot give them to Galia in any shape or form. This includes:

-I cannot combine 2 beads in the Salvage Kit, which was required originally in the quest
-I cannot turn in 2 beads (or 3 beads) and the Cord to Galia --- she gives the items right back to me
-I cannot turn in 2 beads, the salvage kit, and the cord to Galia --- she gives all of those right back to me as well

Maybe I am missing some keyword that I have to say to her, or perhaps she won't take my items because I have destroyed my Salvage Kit and obtained a new one several times -- in any case, my faction is definitely good enough to continue with this quest, and I am pretty sure that I have the correct items. Is this quest broken, or am I doing something wrong?
Bump -- 10-6-07, I tried this quest again at level 30 with dark elf illusion + benevolence, and Galia returns items to me (amiable faction). Is the quest broken, am I handing in the right items (Tal'yan prayer beads, Strong Silk Cord), do I need to try starting it over? :psyduck:

I'm also having issues with this quest.

Unable to combine the Tal'Yan Prayer Beads in any combination in Galia's Salvage Kit. Unable to turn the Tal'Yan Prayer Beads and/or Strong Silk Cord into Galia de`Barra in any combination.

I've noticed several other threads about this quest being broken, dating back to last year--seems some tweaks by devs have been made (http://www.shardsofdalaya.com/forum/index.php?topic=7295.0), however the quest is still unresolvable.
phroggonalog said:
Help us Thinkmeats! You're our only hope!

I'm really not :(

I know nothing at all about the quest Galia had before I added the newport stuff, and I'm busy as hell at the moment working on a huge project. I'll post in this thread if I get a chance to swing by and look at her, but I wouldn't plan for it. Sorry :(
Okay, near as I can figure you're supposed to be able to combine the Tal`Yan Prayer Beads individually in the salvage kit to get pearls from them. I *think* I've managed to rebuild the quest combine, and hopefully it'll be in the next patch. I'll bump this thread when it's working.
Looks like a lot of people gave up on this quest but I did discover that it isn't broken.

When you get a Tal`Yan Prayer Beads combine them one at a time in the kit... do this three times to get 3 pearls, then hand them in with the Silk Cord to Galia and your done!
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