Obligatory Introduction


Dalayan Beginner
Greetings! I stumbled upon Shards of Dalaya two days ago and I was smitten. Oddly enough my quest began at Encyclopedia Dramatica's Everquest page where I learned of emulations and private servers!

I played EQ back in the day, the last expansion I bought and played was The Shadows of Luclin, but alas RL called and I was forced to abandon my lvl 55 monk.

But I'm hoping to be able to call Shards of Dalaya home.

I'm more of a roleplayer then a powergamer, and right now I've started up an Iksar Monk,I understand that Shards of Dalaya is pretty much all new NPCs, Plots, and Quests and I'm looking forward to discovering this new world.

My name Monk's name is Darder, feel free to hail me if you see me!
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