Hey there, I stumbled upon this site after getting the itch to play eq again. I started in 99 with the release and played up to POP then moved onto eq2 and just recently wanted to put that away for awhile and go back to my roots.
I cant say I know what to create but I will figure that out quickly as I started when they had the basics and I loved druid up till the POP then i couldnt get monies for ports anymore
Played on the everfrost server and with bloodmoon one of the largest guild on that server.
Looking to group out there once I make up my mind what I am rolling, cya.
I cant say I know what to create but I will figure that out quickly as I started when they had the basics and I loved druid up till the POP then i couldnt get monies for ports anymore
Played on the everfrost server and with bloodmoon one of the largest guild on that server.
Looking to group out there once I make up my mind what I am rolling, cya.