

Dalayan Beginner
Hi everyone,

I'm a noob on shards of dalaya (and a noob on EQ in general actually), and I've come to check your server out after hearing much good of it.
I'm patching right now, but I hope to see ya all in game soon :)
Hi everyone,

I'm a noob on shards of dalaya (and a noob on EQ in general actually), and I've come to check your server out after hearing much good of it.
I'm patching right now, but I hope to see ya all in game soon :)
It's fine, everyone has been a noob at a point.
Make sure you read the wiki articles that relates to the class you have in mind (hints: look at CHA use).

And welcome of course!
a palm tree, a bag of peanuts and a crazed chipmunk have NOTHING to do with this game. however, whisky, pie and the wiki have EVERYthing to do with it.

so load up on the latter and welcome to the server:)
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