noob shaman quest in grobb broken?


Dalayan Beginner
ok there are 2 quests in grobb i can't seem to do for my shaman.

one is the master alchemist dude that gives me a quest after i say the words in bracket which is [listen]. he gives me a witch doctor bag to put 2 mud things found off froglok tadpoles, a fungus flesh and a small leech sucker and to put it on a bandage.

the problem is i don't know what fungus flesh he needs or where to get the leech sucker. there are sveral types of fungus flesh that are no drop or lore no drop or just regular. also leech sucker comes in giant lore no drop a regular leech sucker and a dried leech sucker. never found a small leech sucker so could someone help clarify what i need?

also there is another alchemist dude that wants fungus spore, froglok eye, "skin from an undead human" and blood from a leech. once again there are several kinds of "undead skin" and the only blood i can find from a leech is a ichor blood thing. so could someone else help with that? this npc is right across the room in grobb from the master alchemist iksar that gave me the quest from above.

if anyone could help at all i would appreciate it. i;ve been trying to do this for 2 days now.

shaman quests in grobb

The quest handed out by the alchemist works fine - unfortunately I don't remember which of the ingredients were needed, but it does work - unless they broke it recently :? The quest from Spirit Talker Grekal is still broken as far as I know - I try it everytime I log my ikky sham.
I haven't seen any post until this about there being issues, which is probably the reason it may be broken still. If you can give me the exact step you're stuck on and think is broken, then I'll take a look at it.
quest still broken

Basically, with regards to Spirit Talker Grekal's quest, the quest does still not work. After you say listen to him, he give you a bag to combine in and asks you to put the items in it. The combine, in no way shape or form, works and there is no way to get past this part. He wants 2 muds from frogloks, 1 small piece of fungus flesh, a smell leech sucker and use it with a bandage. No way to get this to work, please fix the quest. Thanks Xel!
Sorry for taking so long to fix this. It should now be fixed though, the combine wasn't working correctly previously.
Has anyone been able to get the quest from Spirit Talker Grekal to work? I just tried again last night and was not able to combine the ingredients using any of the permutations :p ?

Using the following:

2 green tinted mud
1 fungus flesh (tried each of the 3 drops as well as the fungus spore drop)
1 leech sucker (also tried the dried leech sucker)
1 bandage (also tried the above items without a bandage)

Do I have the correct items?

Thanks for your help
was working on this one as well and could not get the combine to work at all with a variety of combine efforts
Hate to bump an old thread but this combine is still not working - tried again last night.

Thanks for taking a look!
has this quest been fixed yet. i can't seem to combine the items in the medicine pouch
i have 2 x green tinted mud
1 x bandage
1 X leech sucker or whatever its called not the dried kind
1 x fungus flesh (i seem to only find 1 kind the stackable one)

are the ingredients correct or do i have an ingredient wrong
It was fixed a couple of weeks ago. Your ingredients look correct so I'm not sure what else it could be other than maybe you have a pouch from before the fix? You might try deleting the pouch and getting a new one.../shrug...
bumping this thread again but the intial combine isn't working again cause i just tried it lastnight and it didn't work. i tried different items to see if i just had the wrong stuff but it still didn't work.

Ok nevermind. Stupid me was trying to use the wrong kind of bandage. It was getting late and I was half asleep. But after using the right bandage it works just fine.
ok, the bandage i dont think was the problem, since i completed the quest.

but, after completing the quest i was given a new set of items to find. when i go back to turn these items in, grekal will not take them. talking to him only starts the same first quest over again

and i collected all the bandage materials again and got the dented shield again, but grekal wont take those either!
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