No Spell Descriptions

Really? I find it incredibly difficult to believe that nobody has written a spell parser yet. So useful to have it in game. I'm sure it's somewhere...
There is a stand-alone parser but its less accurate than the wiki parses for spells. Some effects have not been reparsed on the wiki, so you have to be cautious, but all player spells and focus effects have been properly parsed on the wiki.
There really needs to be some method of seeing the spell descriptions in game (such as the method of right clicking the spell to see them). Not being able to see these descriptions makes casters on this server have to constantly bring up out of game references each time they need to change up their spell bars or shop for new spells.

With all that extra trouble to find the needed info on spells, in my opinion it makes casters much more trouble to play and takes away the fun of playing one. It's a shame really because I have always enjoyed playing casters in Everquest and they feel unplayable in this server.
Maybe Secrets could help find a way to work this? I know a client upgrade fixes the problem, much like PL (if it still existed)
Some eqemu servers allow MacroQuest, and she was able to assist in ending its use in SoD. Right click and holding while using it (MQ2) shows all details about spells. Is there a way to take that portion and intigrate it into SoD somehow?
Not use it in SoD, but disect and intigrate that portion into the patcher?
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