no sound


Dalayan Beginner
i get sound everywhere else except for in eq...could it be eqw? ive got all the sounds in options on. anyone know what i can do to get some sound? :p

Have you tried rebooting your PC? I've had this problem before and it was fixed with a reboot.
Have you turned on your speakers?

/humour off

Do you have it enabled in the options menu before logging in?
Another thing, make sure in the Options settings of Everquest that the SOUND box IS checked off. If it is UN-CHECKED (which is the default) you won't have sound either.
still no sound. done reboots, option changes, messed with options outside of eq, only thing i can think of is EQW. i remember it screwing my sound in live sometimes so thats the only thing i can think of. can anyone tell me how to start SoD without EQW? thanks

a few people had this problem, generaly what you need to do is go into the setup in the login screen and instead of clicking next Press Enter.

Now it might not work the first time, like myself i had to go back and do it once again.

Taken from this thread.

Sound issue fixed. For some odd reason downloading sodpatcher & sodbin once again helped. Those previous files might have gotten corrupted by me I'm sure.

Taken from this thread.

For anyone else that has this problem, I think the thing that finally fixed it for me was:
I was doing the thing where you can click all the models if you hit enter instead of clicking next.
I then remembered that when I installed everything, that everything in options had been default off, so when that screen came back up, I hit enter there too, Suddenly, SOUND!

Taken from this thread.

The 1st and 3rd seem to be the same - so I would definately try it as they stated.
oh man thank you so much. i click next instead of hitting the enter key and it kept the changes made to options. sound! hahahaha :D

mortulin said:
oh man thank you so much. i click next instead of hitting the enter key and it kept the changes made to options. sound! hahahaha :D


Glad to hear (get it) is resolved :lol:
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