No items show up for vendors


Dalayan Beginner
Whenever I go to an NPC merchant, they have nothing for sale. Every one I tried all have blank item windows. I also noticed there's been an unnamed poison dagger icon on my effects, dispel and cure poison don't affect it, and it's been there for the past 4 days along with the vendor issue. I'm a level 13 human pally if that matters.
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Whenever I go to an NPC merchant, they have nothing for sale. Every one I tried all have blank item windows. I also noticed there's been an unnamed poison dagger icon on my effects, dispel and cure poison don't affect it, and it's been there for the past 4 days along with the vendor issue. I'm a level 13 human pally if that matters.

I just started on SoD and the same thing is happening to me. I've looked on the forums, asked in game, and all I've gotten is "Re-patch" "Restart your PC" or "Reinstall". I've tried them all, nothing seems to be working. I basically can't play unless I have someone else buy all my stuff or maybe install it on another computer that doesn't have this problem.

I'm going to a standard cleric spell merchant. Tried day and night, still nothing. Someone please help! I really want to get to playing >(
Your graphics files are probably corrupted or missing which is why others were saying to re-patch
or reinstalll
Your graphics files are probably corrupted or missing which is why others were saying to re-patch
or reinstalll

Yes, well, I've tried re-patching, reinstalling, I've even went in and completely uninstalled and deleted everything and reinstalled/repatched, and still nothing.

(I'm using EQ Titanium)

Maybe a dev or GM knows the cause of this and what I might be able to do to fix it?

(EDIT: I too am having the strange poison effect in my effects bar, it does nothing and it never goes away.)
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This can be closed now, I figured out the problem. In options there are 2 default UI's, one is default and one is default_old. For some reason mine was set to default_old and it was causing chaos.

I'm assuming the OP had the same exact problem.
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