no character model screen. (yes I hit enter)


Dalayan Beginner
Hi, im a new player to WR and seem to be having problems. I installed all the expansions and the retextures. I go through the wr patch, then through eqw, and I get to the login screen. I click options and the screen with all the stuff about mip mapping and texture caching comes up. You guys say instead of clicking ok to hit enter on the keyboard, I hit enter and no new window comes up, it just says thank u and brings me back to the main screen.

I loaded up eq regularly without WR or eqw and could get the screen. I turned on all the new models. I went back and loaded up wr patch then eqw, then started the game, still had old models.

Anyone know what I can do to fix this? Setting all the chars to TRUE in eqclient.ini did nothing.

Thanks, Rackt
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