No Audio & Unresponsive Keyboard when i box


Dalayan Beginner
Hello everyone ^^! First let me say i am very happy to be here and that SOD is funner than i could have ever imagined :D. That being said i was just wondering if any of you might of had the same problem? When i first started the game, i had sound and all. But recently it just cut out for no real reason, it's not really much of a big deal but would still be nice to fix.

The second problem however, is rather annoying... Usually 10-15 minutes into boxing my Shaman (always my shaman for some weird reason) will no longer respond to keyboard commands. I then have to move him around using my mouse and auto attack using clickies and the like. I would appreciate it if anyone had any advice :).

Hey guys, so i found another post on the forums about the keyboard issue (>.< sorry i used the search function and nothing popped up) It appears to be a Windows 7 issue, and from what i read from the post the only given solution is to just relog your toon. Advice is still very much welcome :)!

I had the sound problem myself after reinstalling EQ into my computer. Before you log onto the game, look for the options menu, after the character model page you will see the launch settings page, make sure the red arrow is next to the word Sound. Hope this fixes your problem with sound atleast. =)
You can lessen the amount that the KB problem happens by using EQW and the switch keystroke. By default it's "Ctrl+Alt+S" iirc. But you can change it to w/e you like. Search your directory that you have the game installed in for "eqw.ini" and change the EQWSwitch= to something like "`", or a simpler keystroke of your choosing.
Thank you everyone for the Replies ^^, Jules i am going to start using your suggested method :D. And Sangku, i did as you said and it worked after a couple of reboots :) thank you everyone for your help and support!
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