What does the Nightblade's Ferocity effect do on the Misery quest reward for rogues? There's no way it is 50% "overhaste" like wiki/spell parser says, right?
The thread has vanished but iirc it said its supposed to be 2% overhaste and there was alot of bickering between rogues demanding justice and woldaff saying the item worked while the rogues screamed it didn't. Was a very sad tale of rogues and im sure curator tryfaen and or ponden/alton will lurk into this thread and tell you all of the rogueish woes of this wrist.
The effect on the monk reward is similar. It's listed in the parser ar 50% overhaste but that is either inaccurate or not working.
EDIT: HERE is the thread where Wold says the rogue bracer is working but if that is the case then its listed inaccurately in the parser, likely ditto for monk bracer.