Newport V Pet Bug

Kirin Folken

Dalayan Elder
I keep forgetting to mention this bug.

Last week I went throw and complete Newport ring V quest on both my toons, we found a very nasty and annoying bug dealing with the enrage priest and pets.

It seems that if you try and have your pet attack a enraged priest (or named) or if you you get blasted by the enraged priest (so your pet should aggro) your pet gets target buged.

Aka your pet will do nothing to anything, even if you tell it to attack a spider or snake. Loging or zoning seem to be the only thing taht fixes this bug. However your pet still cannot attack enraged priest or the named priest.

This really hurts any pet class doing the Newport V quest.

I am sure the bug comes out by the mannar in which the enrage priest shows up.

Just a warning to anyone trying to complete this quest and a heads up to the Staff.
If you think it's really bug after thinking thoroughly, use the buglist function preferably. Although it might be interesting to discuss bugs in the forum, the staff has the final word and just mentioning it in the unapproved buglist is more constructive.
Dzillon said:
If you think it's really bug after thinking thoroughly, use the buglist function preferably. Although it might be interesting to discuss bugs in the forum, the staff has the final word and just mentioning it in the unapproved buglist is more constructive.

I still have bugs reported on the unapproved list that I also posted here and that were fixed months ago. The bugs list doesn't seem to be actively used by the devs.
I wanted to make sure everyone knew about I said its really going to suck for a group with many pet classes in it to try the newport V and suddenly find otu none of there pets will do anything.

It was rather funny and sad when the necro's relic pet just stood there the first time I did a Newport V quest. The Colorful words comeing from the magican were also pricless.
It is a very old and used to be fairly well known bug. But, with all things well known, it is well known, so there is no need to talk about it. Thus, new people never hear about it, and it becomes not so well known.

Please note, it has nothing to do with the eranged priest hitting you, or you telling the pet to attack. When a person uses the counter agent vial, every pet has the issue. I am not certain if it is the whole zone, or just a vast radius, but doing ring 5 will bug the pets of people who are NOT with you doing the quest. Once it is used, you cannot use your pet again until you log, zone, or resummon.

BTW, that is the work around used by most pet classes. You wait until the vial is used, then you summon a pet, and repeat for each wave... 12 minutes apart or something like that.
Verified that this affects the WHOLE zone.. I happed to be in a small group killing Pumas in the EPL tunnel for Mesklin quest, when unbeknownst a group started the RingV script.. I happened to be pulling at the time and Dark didnt stick, but when I sent in pet, it was a NoGo, leading to stun, stun, nasty death.. this was about 3 weeks ago
moghedancarns said:
It is a very old and used to be fairly well known bug. But, with all things well known, it is well known, so there is no need to talk about it. Thus, new people never hear about it, and it becomes not so well known.

Please note, it has nothing to do with the eranged priest hitting you, or you telling the pet to attack. When a person uses the counter agent vial, every pet has the issue. I am not certain if it is the whole zone, or just a vast radius, but doing ring 5 will bug the pets of people who are NOT with you doing the quest. Once it is used, you cannot use your pet again until you log, zone, or resummon.

BTW, that is the work around used by most pet classes. You wait until the vial is used, then you summon a pet, and repeat for each wave... 12 minutes apart or something like that.

This should get sticky somewhere so everyone can find it easy. It certainly annoying and I have seen at least once a week someone screaming in OOC about this issue.
Heh personally, I find the bug amusing. It was hilarious listening to Violnis bitch about it while we cranked out four Ring Vs last night =P

It is pretty significant, though =/
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