Newport V- Anyone up for some fun Wedesday?

Kirin Folken

Dalayan Elder
Looking to complete the Newport V quest on my Magican, and looking to recruit others that might need this quest completed.

I will be in game after 2pm est, until 9pm est most likly (with a dinner break etc). I will be OOCing in the game as well, but figured I get the ball rolling on the forums. (not that everyone reads it however heheh).

If need be I can box my 65 Shaman to give us a hand, but I would rather just have 6 people at the computers for the quest.

What we need...(toons should be 55+ as we will be int he plaguelands, and mobs are all 50+ in level and we will be dealing with mid 50s levle enrage priests and worshippers).

Decent Tank (60+ helps a lot) specialy one that can hold aggro well.
Good Healer
DPS of any kind
Good puller

Really the only requirements are a tank and a healer, the rest of the group can be filled with basicly anything.

The puller doesn't even need to be a traditional puller, I use to do this quest a lot with my paladin and shaman. My Paladin works just fine pull, the only parts were any real "pulling" is required is when you want to hit some of the huts with 2-3 spawns at them. Otherwise is a simple tag and bag style pullling of the worshipers.

Things of note... Last I knew the Pet bug still happens with this quest.
(pet bug: Every time you spawn a enraged priest your pet gets buged and you need to resummon it. This means for the first few seconds of each fight pet casters need to resummon pets. So pets basicly fight this quest with very little if anything for buffs).

enrage priest hit around 100-120 and love casting thier DD stuns, and Complete healing themsleves. You ether have to burn them down fast... or let them run out of mana generaly (with the new changes to CH this might change).

the Named Priest is a bit different, hitting a bit harder 120-150 if I recall and casting a AoE disease. He however doesn't seem nearly as Heal happy as the eneraged priest.
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