Newport Rogue Quest


Dalayan Beginner
I've been stumbling around South Newport, getting slaughtered by guards(because I'm kos now - yay) for a long time - picking every lock, exploring every building. I have yet to find "... a large house not far from the clock square" where I am supposed to break in, slip past a bodyguard, then murder some dude named Timon. I've spent all day looking for this guy to absolutely no avail, and countless deaths.

Perhaps the quest is bugged?

Probably not, as I tend to do everything wrong.

I've exhausted every resource preceding this posting. If anyone can provide a description of the location, or if you have a tracker in south Newport and you can point me in the right direction, I would be eternally grateful. Send a tell to Luska if you can help. Thanks.'s_quests_-_Part_V
IIRC, if you are facing the clock tower, turn 90 degrees to your right. There is a section of a few houses. If you so straight into them there is a bit of an alleyway with 2 doors (I believe 2) to the left side and one on the right. The doors on the left have Silver Crown inside (possibly outside too - I don't remember), in the door on the right side is your target.

That bodyguard is a mean mo-fo, be as sneaky as possible to get by him.

Also, you might not be permanently KoS to Newport. As long as you didn't kill any guards or citizens you probably just have a high level of "heat". Heat wears off after a certain period of time, you can check it with /cm stats. If that is the case, go join a group, exp for a few hours then go back and the guards will have forgiven/forgotten all of your past transgressions.
Thank you for verifying my assumption. I've been consistently trying that door, though my [85] lock-picking skill is not yet sufficient.
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When I did this quest with my rogue, I read the walkthrough on the wiki.

It described the house, the occupents, the level of skill needed to pick the lock, the strategy for how to get to your target and everything you ever wanted to know about this part of the quest.

I read it, did what it said, and finished.
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