Newport Ring V quest broken


Dalayan Beginner
On top of the bugged pet issue, it seems that this quest isn't working at all. Even after using counteragent on plague worshipping, spawning priest, rooting him so we could resummon our pets, and finally killing him, no cleansed spawned. We tried this at least three times with no results. Could I possibly get some insight as to whether we did this right and if so, what's going on?
I've seen this happen in W Badlands before. We had a priest spawned under the world which we could not kill. Killing more priests would not cause the plagued worshipper to turn into a cleansed worshipper. We just moved to E Badlands and did the quest there, making sure not to use our cleanse clicky on a worshipper who was near a hill.
We actually tried this in EB, dunno if switching to WBL would help. I'm surprised this is broken, as its a pretty major quest I think and everyone does it.

edit: Also, the plague worshippers are not attacking so its no risk EXP. I didnt continue killing them cuz that would be an exploit. But that's another problem that needs to be addressed.
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