NEWPORT ring V problems


Banned Jerk
my name is ozzadar/ozzadat i started the newport ring line quest loved it all got to the last part and all of a sudden i cant use my vial of counter agent on the mobs in EPL i can click the item but it dont changed the mob any idea maby?
sence when i already did the quest with a few other people u just right click the vial on them . how can i hand it to them in trade manor when i only have 1 and i gotta click it on 8 diffrent mobs?
Worked fine yesterday, on plagued worshipers I believe.

It didn't work on the one priest I tried.

Took maybe 10 seconds tops after you clicked it with the mob targeted (in close range).
Yeah if you're trying on the wrong mobs it won't work. There are only certain mobs it works on(per the quest text).
lol i told you in the first post it is not the worng mob i have already done the quest befor with few other people i didnt get loot so i gotta do agian . i am clicking it on the right mob i know witch is witch its not something worng with the whole quest its something worng with my flag or something
i did the 5th part of the quest with a group i was the only person to use my vial 8 times i didnt see any charges on the item there fore i wouldnt have let my head get rolled off to the group i really need help i have had the ring 4 forever

ozzadars said:
lol i told you in the first post it is not the worng mob i have already done the quest befor with few other people i didnt get loot so i gotta do agian . i am clicking it on the right mob i know witch is witch its not something worng with the whole quest its something worng with my flag or something
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