newport ring v (different bug)


Dalayan Beginner
My alt mandos has done the quest up until 4. I finally went and finished the quest for him but the problem is that captain thalas is not responding Sargent in nfp isn't responding. I hail the other guards they respond to me as a captain I have althok the plagued head i did all the hails I tried just turning in the head / vial and just the head but nothing happens. Any help if i am doing something wrong or someone that can fix the flags would be nice

You have to turn in Rinv IV as well as the head adn the vial to sergant hansley in NFP then go to Thalas in SFP for your ring 5
Yeah I believe that was Seferon's problem. We got him fixed up at any rate and his alt now has Ring V. :)
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