Newport Ring quest 1 frustrating Faction situation


Dalayan Beginner
Hello, my Char Name is Otreyu (lvl30 mage-Gnome)

I started the first of the ring quests for Newport.
I am a little nu to caster class still. I finished the first 2 of the 3 errends that needed to
be done for the 1st quest ok but on the 3rd NPC "Scott Timms" @ the end of bridge entering East Badlands, I positioned myself between him and the mobs that show up to kill him. So he's behind me, the mobs are in front of me and I have my pet(Chuuha) fighting. I was using Rain of Fire and Rain of Swords spells in battle. After the first wave I turned around to find out that Scott got killed. So I wait till he spawns again, do it the same way and he died again....

I then wait a third time for him to respawn approach him and he attacked me and Pet!!

I zoned and asked any of the other High lvl players what I could do after seeing there were no GM's online atm'.

A player showed up told me to group with him and that he would attack the mob that shows up and that I should stay away, but on trying to do this HE ended up killing Scott the NPC as well !! So Now I'm KOS to All Newport Guards, and When I tried to pay off the debt that I had No idea I incured, it came out to a whoppin'496 Plat!!

I would like to finish this quest but I cant figure oput why this all happened in the first place.
I sent a Petition and after explaining my dilema to GM-Homogenn, was told that I should post here and more specifically seek out Xeldan, as He is the one that can help me with this big problem.

I guess if You can help me Xeldan, I would be in such a debt to you , no pun intended.

Frustrated Gnome Otreyu - 30 Mage
caciquevillage2 said:
I would like to finish this quest but I cant figure oput why this all happened in the first place.

I was using Rain of Fire and Rain of Swords spells in battle. After the first wave I turned around to find out that Scott got killed. So I wait till he spawns again, do it the same way and he died again....

It happened because you killed the Guard not once, but twice using your rains! Newport doesn't like it when you kill their scouts. I think your only salvation at this point is going to be to pay the reconciliator (?) to get your faction back above KOS.

All NPCs in the area will be affected by rain spells, regardless of if they like you or not. When killing mobs around friendly NPCs, never use AOE spells, as they will hit your non-player friends as well as your enemies.
Oh.but that still dosent solve the debt problem ...seems like I'm up the creek w/o
a paddle you have any idea how long it will take to make 496 plat ????

Thanks for explaining the aoe thingy to me that will help me in the long run.

Bet I wont be making that mistake any time soon. LOL

Good travels!
Newport is a cesspool of lies and deciet spread by the very definition of the word evil, the Silver Crown and their cronies.

I wear my insignia of slavery, but I was too far invested to back out by the time I realized my situation. Go forth with the knowledge that you stand for something pure and good, and slaughter the oppressors where you find them. Don't whore yourself to their whims for a few shiney trinkets like so many of us.

Stand against the barbarians at the gates, even if you stand alone.
well hear one place you could go to make some money. goto shrouded isle sence your 30th level with a pet. you sould have no problem killing the bettel outside and the first level of castle/keep collect the black blood and symbol of evil sell to PC make items also the bettle shells sell for 2 to 3 pp good luck on getting your faction corrected. yours hason the warrior :dance:
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