Newport Ring IV Fix - Updated

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Staff Emeritus
I just uploaded a change to the script for the Injured Newport Guard. This should hopefully fix your flag, if it's somehow been erronously set to another value lower than what the injured guard is looking for to start his event. As long as you have your Newport Sergeant's Insignia in your inventory when you hail, he should set your flag to the appropriate level to begin the event. If anyone has further issues with this step of the quest, reply to this thread.

Edit: I made it possible to fix your flag by hailing Sergeant Halsey as well now. Simply hail either Sergeant Halsey or the Injured Newport Guard while having the Newport Sergeant's Insignia in your inventory and it should fix your flags up if they're set incorrectly.

Please attempt hailing the injured guard before posting here - this may fix your problems
a problem related to this quest but nto to lag.
What happen was my inventory was full and I've only recived the ring but not the counter agent and it isnt in the bank.

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