Newport Ring I Quest


Dalayan Beginner
I was in the process of doing the 1st newport ring with my 36 DE SK and 33 WE DRU, I completed the Scout Timms portion of the quest with no problems, got his orders and ran over to Scout Velia. I Hailed her with both characters and started killing the bloodblade bandits. While I was killing bandits I also killed a few young griffins, I noticed a HG running around and decided to try my luck. The HG killed my SK but I managed to zone to save my DRU. I ported out with the DRU and picked up my SK and brought him back to the spot and proceeded to start killing bandits again. As I was resting with my SK I randomly was attacked by Scout Velia out of nowhere, I took both characters and ran to zone thinking that I somehow must have hit her with a spell or something. When I got to the zone I scrolled up and found she had attacked me unprovoked. I zoned back in and conned her from a safe distance, she was now threateningly towards me. I figured maybe I had hit a glitch and relogged. When I came back in, faction was still threateningly. I went over to the guards at the bridge, they were also threateningly.

I did nothing that should have caused my negative bump in faction, in fact I was there to raise faction in the first place, I was going to petition but the petition warning made me decide it might be better to bring it up here. Is there any way I can get some GM assistance with this? I was dubious when I started the quest.

If this is not an issue a GM can help me with, are there any quests that I can do to get myself non KOS again?
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