Newport Ring - good level to start?


Dalayan Beginner
I got the quest to pick up scout reports at a very low level, but I see from Sodwiki this includes killing a Rothide Captain who hits for 222. That sounds like a L50-60 kind of mob to me but I presume not if I'm suposed to do it in my 20s. What level is this encounter geared for?

If you mean solo, as I recall, upper teens if heavily twinked, otherwise in your 20s. Scout Ronfer helps. I certainly don't recall the Captain hitting for that much.
I happened to have a few logs from alts on my laptop here at work... Rothide Captain's max hit is around 40. He has more hp than the other gnolls (~670hp) and appears to be undead (saw some cleansing blows... never noticed that before). He harmtouches once at the opening of the fight for 244 pts, though Ronfer will eat that if you let him get aggro first. He casts engulfing darkness and will occasionally hit you with a small lifetap (11-13pt?).
I did the quest successfully last night.

Whilst I was there, there was a pair of characters continually hailing the scout after a wave or two of gnolls, which appears to reset the event to the first wave. It looked to me like they were exploiting in order to get a continuous stream of mobs to powerlevel off. Just thought I would mention this.
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