Newport Ring 5


Dalayan Beginner
Can a script be added to part 5 of this quest to reset it like was added for part 4?

I have been bugged for a few months now, and would really like to finish my quest up. It seems that I my vial will not cleanse the last worshiper, thus the boss never spawns for me to kill and loot his head. I have tried several different tricks, such as having someone else cleanse and let me hail or trying the different zone, but nothing seems to work. Any clue or help would really be appreciated. I just wanna get my ring... :(


I should have waited and posted when I was not so sleepy. I forgot to add the important stuff. Sorry.

EXACT NAME OF QUEST NPC: Althok the Plagued / a plague worshipper / Newport Ring V

WHAT STAGE OF THE QUEST YOU ARE ON: I am attempting to cleanse the worshiper's. The first 7 worked fine, but the vial did not cleanse the 8th one and Althok will not spawn. The vial works, it just won't cleanse.

WHAT THE QUEST NPC SAYS WHEN CLEANSED: Nothing, he just stands there. He does not kneel down or fall like the other 7 did.

EXACT NAMES OF ITEMS/NPCS INVOLVED IN THE ERROR: Just the counter agent vial and the worshiper's. This quest needs more Althok! wink

YOUR OWN SPECULATION TO THE PROBLEM (if any): When I was cleansing my 8th worshiper, my group got an add. I don't remember the exact chain of events because it was well over a month ago. I just remember killing the add and then trying to cleanse the worshiper, which did not work. I've attempted to try several times since then with no luck. The vial simply does not cleanse anymore.
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