Newport Ring 5 Suggestion


Dalayan Beginner
Just to toss out my two cents for Xeldan without clutterizing the bugs thread, I thought I'd make a new thread where everyone else could voice their opinions.

How about if instead of entirely removing enraged plague priests, they're set to spawn randomly when you kill plague priests, kind of like with other mobs in other zones. A new drop could be added to the enraged plague priest's table, a book of some sort, which would be added as a turn-in to finish ring5. This would keep the quest at about the same difficulty as before and still make the enraged plague priest's loot accessible without having to change the difficulty of the final boss in the quest.
Still like my rat Idea :D

How about just having 4 enraged priest Automaticly spawn.

Have them spawn at Worshipper Numbers 2,4,6,8 (with number 10 spawning named priest give him the same loot tables as Enraged.. he might already be on it.).

To make sure people cannot skip the Enraged priest have each priest drop a automatic item. Peace of Plague Scroll", and have Anlthok drop a 4 slot container for the combiner. You need 4 Peces of Plague Scroll and combine them in the container from Anlthok as a 4th Turn in item for the quest.

You end up killing less Enraged priest over the orginal quest, but end up dealing with the more Plague worshippers instead (since they now don't depop).
The problem with the quest before was that it was bugging out having the enraged priests spawn off of the cleansed worshippers, so that part had to be changed.

BTW I don't dislike your rat idea, I just think it would make it overly difficult for people who are in the gear range to be doing that quest, as it would force them to find a good group with no reward for the group.
shanoma said:
The problem with the quest before was that it was bugging out having the enraged priests spawn off of the cleansed worshippers, so that part had to be changed.

I think you misunderstood what I ment, I dont' mean haveing the enrage preist spawn and a despawn again like before. I mean as the quest is now (the change) but every even clease have a Additional Enraged Priest Spawn. Should be a simple matter to just have the clease trigger enrage preist spawn as part of hitting the Worshipper with it.

The problem before was the way it happened. (worshipper stoping.. text, drops to ground.. spawn enraged, on enrage death despawn worshipper, spawn cleansed for hail to fiag.)

With my idea above it would be...

Hit worshipper.. You get flagged #1,3,5,7,9 (quest works just like Xedan change)
Hit worshipper you get flagged #2,4,6,8, (quest works just like Xeddan change) however upon hitting the worshipper, it spawns enraged priest as back up.
shanoma said:
BTW I don't dislike your rat idea, I just think it would make it overly difficult for people who are in the gear range to be doing that quest, as it would force them to find a good group with no reward for the group.

I agree the challenge is right on for a 50s group.
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