Newport Ring 5 - Pet Problem


Dalayan Beginner
Well, I'm working on my Newport Ring, I'm up to the fifth portion. The one where you right click the plague cure to use it's effect on the plague worshipers in the plaguelands.

Well, I use the cure, the worshiper lies down, the plague priest spawns, and my pet stands there staring at the worshiper on the ground. I then get nuked several times by the plague priest and my loyal warder just stands there. So I slam /pet back off button, and my pet trots over and calmly watch the priest pulverize me. I thought perhaps it was a fluke, so I repeated the process after zoning back in, re-summoning pet, etc... Same thing, the pet just calmly watches me die.

Using search, I found someone say that if you zone or re-summon pet, your pet can then attack again. Well if I zone, I have no idea where the priest will be when I get back, not to mention getting the life nuked out of me as I try to make it TO the zone. Summoning the pet at the last second isn't an option because to successfully solo the priests (which I'm all but certain that I can do) I need my pet hasted, procced, and resist buffed. That simply takes too much time and mana, leaving nothing left to fight with.

I can't imagine this being intentional, and apparently it isn't anything new as the first occurance I could find in search dated back to January. Is there any possibility for this being fixed?

Character = Velok - 65 Beastlord (just in case you needed to check flags and what not)
This bug has been around forever. I noticed it when I did my Newport Ring 5 which was 1 1/2 years ago IIRC. As far as I know noone was able to explain or fix this so people just went with the bugged pets. Not 100% sure if that's really the case but that's what I recall - might be totally off.
Yeah this is a bummer, but you need to summon your pet after the priest appears for him to work.
It seems like when you purify the mob it erases the pets entire mob zone list. You would have to either zone or recast the pet. I was in the zone xping when someone else was doing the quest and I couldn't get my pet to attack the mob.
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