Newport Ring 5 - need a reset


Dalayan Beginner
I am adressing this foruns becouse I petitioned online and a GM told me that this problem could only be fixed if i posted on the foruns, this is what happened:

A friend of mine was duel boxing my char to do the 5th newport ring, where you use a cleansing vial to cleanse(sp?) the plague worshippers in plaguelands. The problem is, he was cleansing them with his vial and hailing the guys with my char. I got online about half way through it and helped him finish it, this he was doing the hails and we finally got the named to pop.

When it was my turn to do the quest nothing happened when i used the item on the plague worshippers, I would click on the vial, the casting time would go on and nothing happened.

I think that the script is set so that your vial stop working after a number of hails, i dont know, maybe if there is a way to reset these hails it might fix the quest for me.

thanks in advance

Zharg - 65 druid - Phoenix Rising
same exact thing on my part of ring 5 but i was in group of 6 people 2 where my chars only the druid was getting ring but the group made me roll after MY druid used vile to get the named to pop killed it lost head now cant get him back out

zharg said:
I am adressing this foruns becouse I petitioned online and a GM told me that this problem could only be fixed if i posted on the foruns, this is what happened:

A friend of mine was duel boxing my char to do the 5th newport ring, where you use a cleansing vial to cleanse(sp?) the plague worshippers in plaguelands. The problem is, he was cleansing them with his vial and hailing the guys with my char. I got online about half way through it and helped him finish it, this he was doing the hails and we finally got the named to pop.

When it was my turn to do the quest nothing happened when i used the item on the plague worshippers, I would click on the vial, the casting time would go on and nothing happened.

I think that the script is set so that your vial stop working after a number of hails, i dont know, maybe if there is a way to reset these hails it might fix the quest for me.

thanks in advance

Zharg - 65 druid - Phoenix Rising
Please try not to bump every Newport Ring V thread (especially those that are 1 year old), it spams the forum and makes it harder for the admins to keep track of what needs to be fixed.
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