Newport Ring 3 sidequest


Dalayan Adventurer
So I finished up my 3rd newport ring on my iksar shaman and got the sidequest to go speak to Maltar Crow. I spoke to him and gave the good answer when he tried to bribe me (i.e. I'm going to notify sargeant Halsey). He took back his 25 plat but when I went to speak to the sargeant he would only reply with the end text from the third ring hand in (i.e. go join the expedition on it's way to highpass). Also, checking my /cm stats showed that my alignment which had been neutral/good was now neutral/neutral. My chaotic/good god wasn't happy with me. :(
You did a lawful choice by upholding the law. I'm not sure why you find getting law points to be odd.

Not sure on the other part though. It seems as if halsey was entirely reverted to a pre maltar sidepart version somehow.
Hrm. I was under the impression that alignment was along two lines: chaotic-neutral-lawful and evil-neutral-good. If before doing the sidequest I was neutral/good and I only got law points for upholding the law then shouldn't I be bumped more towards lawful/good rather than neutral/neutral? If I gained law points for upholding the law, that's fine... but why would I lose good alignment and be bumped back down to neutral? Maybe I'm missing something here.
I noticed the error with the quest also - a week or so ago. Unfortunately, I didn't take the time to generate a post to notify anyone, to busy irl and stuff, sorry :(
Xalsturi said:
Hrm. I was under the impression that alignment was along two lines: chaotic-neutral-lawful and evil-neutral-good. If before doing the sidequest I was neutral/good and I only got law points for upholding the law then shouldn't I be bumped more towards lawful/good rather than neutral/neutral? If I gained law points for upholding the law, that's fine... but why would I lose good alignment and be bumped back down to neutral? Maybe I'm missing something here.

Ah, I misread. I'll take a look.
He took back his 25 plat but when I went to speak to the sargeant he would only reply with the end text from the third ring hand in (i.e. go join the expedition on it's way to highpass)

Yeah, I know I had this problem yesterday with Ring 3 (hey, I'm a procrastinator!) and Rikrec had the same issue today. According to the walkthrough on Wiki, you're supposed to get a response from Sergeant Halsey and be able to tell him about Maltar. He simply tells you to go to the next ring quest.
This is still an issue as of 10/04/2007. If you refuse the money from Maltar Crow (shifting my alignment to Lawful Good in the process) you still get the dialogue from the guard at the docks that says something to the effect of: "My friend is okay, you can let him through without searching him". Halsey in North Newport doesn't have the dialogue option for ratting out Crow.

Can we get a fix for this?
Also have a problem with it -- maybe the reason why is because after receiving the Newport Sergeant's Insignia, I zoned in South Newport, THEN came back and hailed Benrik Nimblefingers, and did the dialogue with Maltar Crow...? just throwing an idea out there
phroggonalog said:
Also have a problem with it -- maybe the reason why is because after receiving the Newport Sergeant's Insignia, I zoned in South Newport, THEN came back and hailed Benrik Nimblefingers, and did the dialogue with Maltar Crow...? just throwing an idea out there

I've tried it both by going to SNP and then doing it, and I also tried it by going right to the sidequest. Neither worked. Same result.
I just did this quest this morning and it is still bugged. Sergeant Halsey just tells me to head to King's Pass. I went back to Captain Thalas, just to check, and hailed him and it gives me the option to tell him not to check Rodrigo's bags even though I chose the lawful option. When hailing Maltar Crow, he just tells me to leave.
Still bugged on December 8th.

If I skip this for now and get the 4th ring can I get the alignment shift later or once its over its over?
I just did NP ring IV, hailed Sergeant Halsey, and he says nothing at might want to hold off on doing IV until sidequest is fixed
I wasn't worried about it that much so I just completed the quest (took a single day to do whole quest woot~)

Captain Thalas still offers me the option of letting the shipment come in without checking the bags so I don't see it being unreasonable for when this is fixed that the Sergeant allows you to complete it for the lawful shift.

No matter what rank you are, the event still took place =)
Well even though I saw these posts I went ahead and tried to do the side quest and it still is not working like it should as of Dec. 17, 2007. Oh well on to the next steop I guess....
The issue here was Halsey's file getting overwritten with an older version lacking the parts for this sidequest. Someone has to manually recreate it.
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