Newport Ring 2/3


Dalayan Beginner
I petitioned my problem because for some reason I thought GMs could help with item mistakes, but I was told to post my issue here.

My character's name is Siosrah.

What I did was finished ring 2 and went straight on to finish ring 3. I did not however turn in my Newport Scout's Insignia (ring 1). Now I am stuck with the quest turn in for ring 3 (Notice of Deployment) and my NP ring 1. I've tried handing Sergeant Halsey my ring, or the quest turn in separately, and together, but in any combination he still hands them back.

I then thought I may have had my guards confused so I tried the same turn in combinations on Captain Thalas, but of course, that didn't work either.

Ultimately what I'd like to see happen would be to have my Newport Scout's Insignia and my Notice of Deployment both poof from my inventory, and receive my ring 3 so I may continue along the quest again.

So... whoever can help me out with this, I'd really appreciate it =)
All I need to know is who to contact to help me with this issue. I petitioned a GM and was told to post here. If anyone could let me know what else I need to do, I would greatly appreciate it.
I would log onto IRC and see if any GMs are available to help you with this issue. Just direct them to this post and explain what happened. Good luck getting it resolved!
celaorn said:
I petitioned my problem because for some reason I thought GMs could help with item mistakes, but I was told to post my issue here.

My character's name is Siosrah.

What I did was finished ring 2 and went straight on to finish ring 3. I did not however turn in my Newport Scout's Insignia (ring 1). Now I am stuck with the quest turn in for ring 3 (Notice of Deployment) and my NP ring 1. I've tried handing Sergeant Halsey my ring, or the quest turn in separately, and together, but in any combination he still hands them back.

I then thought I may have had my guards confused so I tried the same turn in combinations on Captain Thalas, but of course, that didn't work either.

Ultimately what I'd like to see happen would be to have my Newport Scout's Insignia and my Notice of Deployment both poof from my inventory, and receive my ring 3 so I may continue along the quest again.

So... whoever can help me out with this, I'd really appreciate it =)

I have the exact same problem on my character Kilshaak. I'm at the exact same point with nowhere to go, hopefully it gets worked out.
Hrm, so you're saying you were able to continue in the quest series without handing in your ring for step 2?

I'll see about fixing this but it might take some work.
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