Newport ring 1 problems


Dalayan Master
Had some severe and quite odd problems with the nbad part of newport ring 1. For starters I had all 3 pieces to give to kelia or whatever her name is. Followed her little dialogue (yes had already gotten the mark, talked to the guy in newport etc). Gave her the items. She goes over, beats up nate, letter drops I pick it up. I look for badge. Hrm no badge. 2 full bags were empty. So that certainly wasn't a problem. So while I'm looking through them the 3rd time. She disappears. I go back to her spawn point. Hail her, she immediately proceeds to go back and beat up nate, while displaying her original first dialogue option. She won't give the badge, and will not allow me to even give her the 3 armor pieces again (collected another set). So I figure I'm bugged questflag wise or something like that.

Anyways the character this is on is Imeriaz.
i had that happen to me... i just kept doing it until she gave me the badge=/ took a few tries.
khador said:
i had that happen to me... i just kept doing it until she gave me the badge=/ took a few tries.

She's killed him around 8ish times. Somehow I don't think she's givin up any badgeage.
I ran into this problem, the first time I did the quest she despawned as Nate died, left no letter or gave no badge, I did it again, got a badge and no letter, third time I finally got a letter from her. Just like other sections of this game, there are small bugs that work out with time and trial and error.
I had this problem also, after she killed nate she despawned. I went and hailed her after she respawned and she went to kill nate again. This time she didn't despawn folloing the kill so I handed her the mark of newport and she gave me the report. Dunno if that helps but there ya go.
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