Newport Magician Questline - Explosive Flame Armor


Dalayan Beginner
I'm currently at a point in this quest where I need to find some white ceremonial sheets of the Tal`Yan, or something of to that effect. I've killed a lot of Tal`Yan in Yaralith so far and have seen no items of this sort yet.

So I'm wondering if these drop off of a specific mob that I haven't found, or just for any information on this quest in general. There's nothing on the wiki that I've seen.
I've mostly gotten prayer sheets inside fact, I might only have gotten prayer sheets inside Yaralith. I can't remember what specific mob dropped a sheet the last time I saw one (a day or two ago), but it was within the courtyard just beyond the entrance.
i am thinking there tal`yan ritual priests or something like that, up a ladder from the courtyard that drop them.

i have went through the place recently and killed just about everything and seem to recall them only dropping in one area
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