Newport Faction Quests


Dalayan Beginner
Recently a quest was added to the game that would absolve the KOS or threatening faction that some people (mostly necros :p ) have earned by killing the guards or citizens of newport. I think that the quest should be reevaluated to be somewhat completable or at least balanced to provide some reason to actually do the quest. Currently the quest requires someone who is kos to pay 6500 platinum before the quest can even be started. Unfortunatally for most people, 6500 platinum can be put to use in about 5 million other ways that are much better than some newport faction. The quest, as it is now, does not appear to be worth the time and effort that would be required to even start it, as farming 6500 plat takes a looooong time as anyone can tell you. I think that the quest should be made difficult and time consuming, but without requiring such a rediculous payment. Maybe something requiring alot of travel and farming, but something that can be done by lvl 45ish.
Yeah, the payment on this one is a bit steep to say the least. I'll give it a serious nudge down.
Just another problem, Farmer Tenkins attacks people who are KOS, and if they dont have FD like I do, they might be in a bad situation.
I'd hate to bump such an old thread but I serched the forums and haven't found an answer to my question about this quest. Being the wonderfully evil Necro that I am and a bit new to SoD I ended up losing faction with the Freeport Guards. I paid the money to start this quest which took a while to gather that much money and have been farming crops for quite a while. Cleaned the field of crops twice already and still not done. Just how much crops do you need to turn in to finish this quest because this seems way to excessive for fixing a threatening from the guards.
It takes a few hundred. It really depends on just how bad your faction got. I had to do this quest with my necro because I inaqdvertantly killed a scout in EBL (which happened to be needed for newport ring quest .. but I was in lich form, therefore kos, but since the npc had "scout" in the name, i took it as a surefall faction mob, which I'm inheritantly kos to and killed it).

So because I only killed one npc with a faction hit, I guess I wasn't too far in bad faction. Anyway, it took me exactly 404 crops to turn in before the farmer finally said something to the effect of, "ok scum, I'm done with you for now!".

I can now move freely about Newport again, however, the warrior guild still hates me because of this and I've been killed by that barbarian warrior gm chic down under the arena near sewer entrance. Had to find a new way into the sewer because of that.
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