Newport Caster Faction


Dalayan Beginner
Hey. I hope I'm posting this to the correct forum, if not I apologize. I recently created an Erudite Magician, after speaking with guild NPCs in Erudin and not seeing any kinds of noob quests I packed up my bags and headed over the Newport. I figured, hell I'll just do the Explosive Flame Questline there for the easy exp and some items to fill vacant slots. However, much to my dismay when I got there and hailed the NPC I found out my faction with the guild isn't high enough for the questline. Anyone know of anyway to raise this faction? Or is there maybe just soem trick to getting around this? Any help would be appreciated on this one.
You could find an enchanter in the zone and ask for a human illusion when you need to interact with the NPC. Those casters are quite racist.
Make an enchanter on another account and get it to level 4.
Buy illusion: high-elf or human.
Log it in when you need to do a hand-in.
Thanks, was thinking that but wasn't sure. One more question, once I've done a few turn ins does that bump my faction up enough that I won't need to bother loggin in a chanter every time for the quest?
... after speaking with guild NPCs in Erudin and not seeing any kinds of noob quests ...

Isn't there some noob armor quests for int casters in Erudin Palace? I seem to remember doing one and having a hell of a time finding essence of earth.

After careful searching of the wiki.....'s_quest

If you play it all the way out, through all three of the guildmasters, you end up with a decent shoulder piece.
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