Newport Bounty Tokins.....


Dalayan Beginner
Any chance the quest could be modified so only 4 tokens can be turned in at a time? I have recently been hanging out in SNP and whenever someone turns in a stack of tokens it really lags the whole zone which is a pita :(
Wanderin said:
Any chance the quest could be modified so only 4 tokens can be turned in at a time? I have recently been hanging out in SNP and whenever someone turns in a stack of tokens it really lags the whole zone which is a pita :(
Veto! I've never had the zone lag when that happens, I suspect it's on your end. It's just a bit of chat bar spam for about 3 seconds, then it's gone.
Hasrett said:
Veto! I've never had the zone lag when that happens, I suspect it's on your end. It's just a bit of chat bar spam for about 3 seconds, then it's gone.

this is a real issue, at one point there was a notice posted somewhere about it not being nice for players to turn in stacks and stacks of them at a time lagging down the whole zone. I can't remember if i read it on forums or if it was a motd though.
Hasrett said:
Veto! I've never had the zone lag when that happens, I suspect it's on your end. It's just a bit of chat bar spam for about 3 seconds, then it's gone.

How can it be chat bar spam if im stting down by the docks? And before you point your finger at me and say 'how you know its the tokens then', i usually have TeamSpeak up and have friends in the same zone and it does lag the whole zone :(
Really... is it a recent thing? Does it also happen in Athica?

I don't recall ever having trouble with it, although I haven't spent much time in Newport since coming back from my hiatus.
I agree , I made myself crash on handing 20 tokens in Newport like one week ago max. LEt's all be responsible and hand in less than 10 at a time I suppose, no big deal.
Whoa. Wait, you can hand in a stack in one trade and it works? I did not know this. All those times i was doing 4 at a time for 100+ tokens....
Really... is it a recent thing? Does it also happen in Athica?

There are no Newport Bounty Tokens in athicaa..

But its really anoying. cant the quest be made so it only gives 1 reward line no matter how much you turn in?
Noktar said:
There are no Newport Bounty Tokens in athicaa..

But its really anoying. cant the quest be made so it only gives 1 reward line no matter how much you turn in?
.... naw, but theres athica bounty tokens...
You know what I mean lol...

service medallions / dwarven essences in Athica.

Does anyone know if it happens there?
You used to be able to hand in 40 at a time. It was reduced to 10 to s top the lag/zone crashes that it was causing.

Basically it was already mitigated to a large extent. Not sure if its a good trade to only be able to hand in 4 at a time or if the script could be optimized.
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