newish cleric


Dalayan Beginner
I am playing a monk and cleric right now, and they are both level 23. These are my first and only characters and I don’t know anyone on the server yet, so my gear and options are a bit limited.

My monk has a mithril knuckle and mithril ulak for his main weapons, and an 8/24 +4undead bane hammer (forgot the name) for when I am hunting undead. He also has a few pieces of wyvernhide, the H2H charm, and a range item that gives some nice tankish stats.

So I think my monk is ok on weapons and gear for the moment, but my cleric is lacking. I think I will try to save up for a suit of ghostmetal platemail, since it has zero weight and will let me hold more when farming for coin drops. The stats on the ghostmetal platemail also look decent for a cleric, with the +wisdom and +mana on all the pieces.

Anyone out there able to craft a suit of ghostmetal for me and how much would it cost?

I would also like to add that I love playing a cleric / monk duo! With the hitpoint buffs, big heals and Soothe I have been able to do dungeons with ease. Who needs ports and SoW if you just camp a dungeon?
I've seen Ghostmetal BPs go for as much as 500p, not sure if the stat bonuses on them are worth the cost compared to alternatives. For example, while clearly not as good, you could get the wyvernfang quested bp for as low as 2p and it will get you by for a while. Also check out blackburrow for Lord Jerzakt's Teachings, drops from a thieving gnoll pup on the top level. The pristine version will give you a good bonus to your mana pool and again last you a while until you can start making real cash.

I wish there were more people making the ghost/warp armors to lower the prices on them, but as they stand now I think you can find a much better use for your cash.

If you have the money, look up Drups listsold for platinum black sapphire rings/earrings. Earrings for the cleric and rings for the monk will give a big boost to both chars. Drup sells them for 230p a piece and he is a good guy. I have accidentally purchased the wrong one before and had no issues exchanging for the other.
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