Newest of New Player


Dalayan Beginner
Hello everyone!!

So been thinking about looking for a EQ Emu and finally just did a search and came across your website. I played EQ up until Planes Expansion but i never really made it that high. Probably highest level was 45 or so.

Would like to get a little info from the community. How hard would it be for a player to start from scratch? Is there an active playerbase? I tried a few UO freeshards and it seems that i am eternally playing with myself(wow that sounded bad). From what i remember, EQ really wasnt a game you could solo in.

I remember EQ being awesome
I remember the trains
I remember the eternal Ding and reding (which was the main reason i quit. Hated to die and then play 8 hours just to get back to where i was the day before)
I remember the macros chat that would say "blabla has been slowed"
I remember my much higher level RL friends letting me use his account and sell KEI(hell i think thats what it was called). So i could buy decent stuff for my noobs.

Cant remember much else haha.. Time has not been good to my memory.

Thank you all for the info and possible newbie advice!!
How hard would it be for a player to start from scratch?

Not too hard. We all did it, you can too!

Is there an active playerbase?

Currently see around 400 during peak, 500 on occasion. It varies though.

I tried a few UO freeshards and it seems that i am eternally playing with myself(wow that sounded bad).

To my knowledge, SoD is not affiliated with them. And cut that out, or you'll go blind!

From what i remember, EQ really wasnt a game you could solo in.

Just like EQ live, there are different classes that fair better soloing than others. You'll find that the SoD experience is best felt with a group. The game mecahnics really lend itself toward being more social.

I remember EQ being awesome
I remember the trains
I remember the eternal Ding and reding (which was the main reason i quit. Hated to die and then play 8 hours just to get back to where i was the day before)
Does not happen here. You go into XP debt, where you must gain X amount of xp before you can continue leveling, but you do not regress.

I remember the macros chat that would say "blabla has been slowed"

I remember my much higher level RL friends letting me use his account and sell KEI(hell i think thats what it was called). So i could buy decent stuff for my noobs.
Since you're new, I'm assuming you dont have any "high level" friends yet. No worries. Strong tradeskill economy here. Meaning you can take up a trade and make money, or you can farm materials for TSers and make money.

Welcome to SoD! Remember the wiki at is your best friend starting off. Reference it often. Also, check out the goings on in your guild chat. You start off in a guild called "Dalaya's Beginners", with several like minded fellows who are just as curious about how things work here as you are.

Thank you very much. That helps greatly.

Just checked Gamestop. They have Seeds of Dest for Digital Download for $20. This should work for here correct?
Actually just thought about it... That is probably just the expansion. Hmm... looks like i might have to find my old CDs.
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Someone was saying in the tech forums that the Underfoot was all inclusive. You may want to search that forum and see if my memory is correct. It's possible the SoD expansion is the same as well. If you can't find anything make a post there.
There is the Underfoot compilation pack, and that has almost everything you'll need.

You'll be missing a few global models (gnolls, for example) and a couple zonefiles (the ones used for Dreadfang Spire and Thazeran's Tower), but I felt justified getting the zonefiles from a friend since I legitimately bought the compilation pack for this computer (bought from Steam).
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