Newbie question: "focus effects"


Dalayan Beginner
Couldn't find this in the wiki....what is a "focus effect" that some gear is listed as having, like for instance "Healing Increment"? How does it work or get activated?

(Do I understand correctly that a "focus effect" is different from a simple "effect", such as my current weapon which randomly procs Furor every so often, some items being listed as having _both_ an "effect" and a "focus effect"?)
Focus effects are active at all times the item is equipped. Healing Increment adds 3% per increment to heals you cast (ie Healing increment 3 adds 9%). Each effect has an individual listing in the wiki such as Healing Increment so you need to search for each individually.

Certain focus effects like duration increment, companion strength and companion health do not need to be worn at all times. Duration increment only needs to be worn when the spell is cast and the pet ones need to be equipped at casting or when you zone or relog.

Focus effects do not stack. If you are wearing HI2 and HI3 you do not get HI5. It defaults to the highest value worn at the time.

Hope that helps.
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