Newbie quest help


Dalayan Beginner
Hi I'm a newRanger to SoD and I'm pretty lost. I found the wiki and was looking at some of the quests but there is no way to sort by class. Can anyone tell me some good newb quests to do as a wood elf ranger? Thanks
There are no real beginners quests for rangers imo. What you can do is starting the mainquest, which is fun and you can start from level 1. Also, talk to the guards in centaur Hills and Newport to find out, which items the'd like to have (gives excellent Exp, and faction, which will evantually lead to a gate item later on).

As for gear: basic chaingear (Storebaught) does really good for the first levels. Buy a basic bow from the merchant in surefall, too. (keep and sell every loot you can get in the beginning, even if it's just a few copper. You may need it)

Allways talk to NPC, especially those with unique names, and ask in the newbie guild.

Welcome to SoD :)
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