Newbie Dwarf Warrior quests


Dalayan Beginner
Hey all, just started playing, hope to get a chance to play with some of you :)

On to the question: I was doing the dwarf war quest. I did the 4 bloodclaw sashes, turned em in and he gives me a sword and shield and now I am supposed to fight bloodclaw warriors. They are supposed to run away and drop swords (I would guess they drop them as loot). Now, I have killed a few with the sword and shield equipped but they did not run or drop the items. Must you wear the sword and shield (shield mainly) while fighting them in order for these swords to drop? or is the quest not working correctly at the moment?

Sorry if that is confusing, I am writing it quickly before work. Any help would be appreciated (did a forum seach and none of the threads gave me the answer I was looking for)

Thanks again.
Do check the wiki, the quest write-up is pretty clear there.

Anyway, I did the quest a little while back, and you only need the shield equipped. Mobs that "run away" in fact simply despawn when you engage them, leaving their sword on the ground for you to pick up. Just keep at it, you'll get them eventually.
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