Hey peoples, I am brand spanking new, need some help, I don't know if I will be doing this right but I shall install EQ 1 [I hope this is for EQ 1] and then try to patch the game and see if it works.
I might need some help if this wont work since I never actually ever played EQ since I bought it when I was... like 15? now 20 xD
Well I am brand new to all this, I played many mmorpg's in the past, tho this game would be to blame, I seen it on Portal [old tv show long ago] and I started wanting to play EQ so badly since I seen them talking bout it over the years.
Well contact me if you wish over messenger here is my info, would be nice to play and get some help getting into the game.
Aim ZolLink [SecondLife name]
Yim ZaneLear
Msn [email protected]
Skype ZaneLear
Well I shall come here every so offten to see if anyone replied with info on how to install this game and etc.
I might need some help if this wont work since I never actually ever played EQ since I bought it when I was... like 15? now 20 xD
Well I am brand new to all this, I played many mmorpg's in the past, tho this game would be to blame, I seen it on Portal [old tv show long ago] and I started wanting to play EQ so badly since I seen them talking bout it over the years.
Well contact me if you wish over messenger here is my info, would be nice to play and get some help getting into the game.
Aim ZolLink [SecondLife name]
Yim ZaneLear
Msn [email protected]
Skype ZaneLear
Well I shall come here every so offten to see if anyone replied with info on how to install this game and etc.