Newb Nec quest in Grobb


Dalayan Beginner
In the quest Gathering Knowledge for the Shadow Scale They give me a 4 slot container in which to combine the 4 Dark Runes I'm supposed to collect. The only problem seems to be the fact that the Dark Runes are Lore Items, but they let me collect 3 before they tell me I cant loot another because it's a Lore Item and I already have one. Please fix in a timely manner I'd like to continue this awesome line of quests. Thank You.
This works fine, you just need to find the 4th page. If you get each of the pages you currently own identified you will see that each is different, which is why you were able to loot 3 of them. The last one you looted was a duplicate of one of the 3 youi currently have.
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