Newb alert!


Dalayan Beginner
Hi, I'm known to most of the online world as Larksilver. Had a char in EQLive for, oh, 3 1/2 years, or so, before getting too frustrated with the way the game mechanics kept bein' jacked with.

My buddy Ballaorf told me about this place, and from what I see here in the forums, I think I'll love it. I look forward to hangin' with Jhan and Hosay (the lunatic), too.

Warning: I'm a bit of a pun-junky. Oh, and I'm a dreadful paladin, but it's my favorite. I don't generally get anybody killed but me, though, I swear!
Welcome! Which server were you on? I'm forever a Pally too. I think you'll like what they did with our class here :dance:
Thanks for the welcome!

I was on Tunare. So far, I'm enjoying the Paladin class a great deal. Granted, I'm only level 6, but hey.

I enjoyed the Paladin a great deal on Live, too... until I got to the mid-30's, and it began to get tough to find good solo spots. I have a small child (toddler back then), y'see, and often my play time gets interrupted. It never seemed fair to find a group, and then have to keep going afk. Sony seemed to have some sort of preternatural hatred of solo players, after a while. By the time I quit, in my 50's, you were "supposed" to find a group in the Planes somewhere, and grind, grind, grind... blech.

Besides, I love to explore! I used to take my (many) newbs on a naked run from Qeynos to Freeport at, like, level 5.. just so see if I could do it. In fact, I designed a guild event around doing just that... winner was the one who made it the farthest. Fun, and funny!
Larksilver said:
Besides, I love to explore! I used to take my (many) newbs on a naked run from Qeynos to Freeport at, like, level 5.. just so see if I could do it. In fact, I designed a guild event around doing just that... winner was the one who made it the farthest. Fun, and funny!

that does sound like fun, I think you'll havea great time here. Hasson didn't you do some guild stuff like that too?
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