New user, sodpatcher is hanging


Dalayan Beginner
I'm a new user. I've downloaded all of the live patches, I registered with SoD, I downloaded the patcher, when I run the sodpatcher I direct it to where my EQ directory is and then it downloads the eqw folder and contents but then hangs on generalcommands.html (and before you ask I did disable my AV software and firewall). I then downloaded the file and extracted it to my EQ directory and now it gets hung up on akanon_1.txt. Any suggestions? Very frustrating when you follow all of the directions on the website and check all the forums and still can't get the thing to work. Thank you in advanced.
Thank you Bernat for your prompt reply. Unfortunately no luck. It keeps on hanging on generalcommands.html even after I manualy update it with the files. Is there anyway to bypass downloading this file?
You can always run eqwindows (or "./eqgame.exe patchme") to skip updating. Do this until you find a way to solve your problem.
hi, I am also having this problem. returning to the game after a while, need to patch
however it is stuck on Patching: cobaltscar.txt

I'm on Telstraclear Cable in Wellington, NZ
how did you fix your problem?

it downloads eqw.dll and eqw.exe, but then it just stops on cobaltscar.txt
makes no difference sorry, I already tried everything :/
I tried editing the files.txt file, editing my hosts file, editing my firewall, deleting everything but the patcher files (it downloads the three eqw files again but stops at cobaltscar.txt), doing the repatch all, not doing the repatch all, etc...

Initially it downloaded the eqw files, then it downloaded the .txt files up until cobaltscar.txt and it won't budge past that

looking at my netlimiter connection - the patcher connects to but the connection just dies. I can ping, tracert, whois it, all that, but the patcher just doesn't like it

I'm totally stumped at this
My friend is having a similar problem. Interestingly he can get it to work on a different computer in his house but not his primary. Today we figured out bypassing the patcher works fine However it seems like a rough fix. I'm pretty sure he said he tried deleting the files it hangs on before. My quest is this: How often is the patch files direct download updated? Would it be possible for my friend to simply download this every time there is a patch?

My only idea at this point in the game would be to reinstall EQ Evolution but he uses a 56k connection and getting a new installation of EQ patched to full would take him some time just for a random shot in the dark guess at fixing it.

Thanks in advance.

theneogen said:
Think I fixed it. May I say I really hate NZ. Their hispeed BS software was causing the problem.

Oh hah, this post just sank in. My friend is also a Net Zero user. How'd you get it to work?


When I told my friend it had to do with NZ's highspeed it figured it out. Thanks.
oh haha you meant Net Zero, I thought you meant New Zealand :p

yeah... I want to get back into the game, and I obviously need to patch because it's been a while, so bypassing the patcher isn't an option

doesn't look like I can do anything at the moment, since hobbit magic is required to fix this by the sounds of things
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