New to this server


Dalayan Beginner
Hello everyone, been reading on these forums and 1 of your competitor private servers....might actually have 3-5 people joining more people to join me. Either way my name is mike. I Started playing EQ 3 months after release is 1999. I played up until GoD expansion and kinda lost interest cause i was starting to fall behind also, played alot during school ;). I was always in the casual play at first but grew right into raid after school. Did all from oldschool kunark through nearly PoP explansion but only ehrn i had the time from work and school so wasnt all decked out :(. Was mostly wondering out of all seriousness, there doesnt seem ot be much activity on this server. few questions: this server filled with grear that drop very low lvl and u get twinked by lvl 5?
2. How good is the population during the weekdays (both low and higher lvls)
3.This question would follow #2. What classes are on high demand on this server, my great abilities with classes would be bard, monk or a tanking class
4. Are there any guild atm that kinda jut ply through the game like go through it like u started from the start?
5. Last but not least, please tell me there are some raiding guilds around, looking back when this site first start 5yrs ago unless i read wrong(maybe the site was, but not sure abput this server it's self.

Also is there anyone or a forum post i Can check that I probably miss on how exactly to set this up? Thanks guys hope this works cause im all for old school :p but also want to see what I missed after GoD :)

You've got a lot to unlearn, and if you're looking for stuff "after GoD", go re-read that link.

As far as guilds, stay in <Dalaya's Beginners> for a good long time. It'll be your best source of information for a long time. If you get an invitation to a guild at level 23, I'd turn it down and stay in <Dalaya's Beginners>. Again, you've got a lot to unlearn. this server filled with grear that drop very low lvl and u get twinked by lvl 5?
No. By level 5 you may get a few pieces of leather.

2. How good is the population during the weekdays (both low and higher lvls)
The population dips in the Summer. But there are plenty of people on during the evenings. That is, you can find groups. It is a little more difficult in the lower levels. But no worse than Live.

3.This question would follow #2. What classes are on high demand on this server, my great abilities with classes would be bard, monk or a tanking class
Mained clerics.
And I don't want to sound like a jerk, but the classes are different on this server. Much may translate well, but until you play them, I don't know that you have great abilities. Bard is probably in greater demand of the three listed and is a powerful class. There is a monk behind every tree here. Tanks are in high demand for experience groups but it takes an act of Congress to get into a raiding guild.

4. Are there any guild atm that kinda jut ply through the game like go through it like u started from the start?

Not really. I have seen posts of people trying to put a group of people together, but that is about all. You may be able to find a group trying to hit all the Adepts on the way up. Seems like I remember someone in a global channel looking for people within the last few days. But I have a bad memory.

5. Last but not least, please tell me there are some raiding guilds around, looking back when this site first start 5yrs ago unless i read wrong(maybe the site was, but not sure abput this server it's self.
Yes, there are raiding guilds. They compete for raid zones. Tarutao gave you good advice (not surprising since he is a GM) and you should follow it.

Unasked for advice.
  • It helps to be able to box, for those days that you can't find a group.
  • Be careful in naming your character. The server has some strict rules.
  • Speaking of rules, read them. The staff can be very strict at times.
  • Be nice to peoples and people on this server will be nice to you. The population is small enough that one gets a reputation.

EDIT: Oh yah you should read this:
Differences Between Live and SOD
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Sounds like a really fun server lol. Guess the only other question I have it, unfortinatly I do not any longer have the original EQ CD to install. I have a few of the expansions which I install PoP to see if maybe EQ would just backdate it, nd upload the rest. Seems like u need to have an Active account (tell me if im wrong). I have one, it just hasnt been active for 8yrs probably. Go easy on me, just pretend like Im new :)
I am not really sure. You can try to see if the Live server will update you. Otherwise you are going to need to get a legit copy of the client. I recommend you don't ask for hacked copies on the forum. The Staff does not look kindly upon that. Obviously they don't know where you get your software but they encourage non-pirated copies.
Oh heck no i always buy all of my games from best buy :p. I think I own all the discs for expansions through GoD. Will try tonight. Now am I not supose to update my patches from the SoE download or will i get then from your client?
Ok I had written a really long response, but then my wife unplugged the router as I hit "Post". As I am frustrated by that, I will keep this short.

Most of your questions are answered in the Startup Guide.

I think you are still missing a few expansions, but it won't affect you at first if you avoid the Vah newbie area. The "hot" newbie zones are North Newport newbie area (Qeynos), Centaur Hills near Blackburrow (Qeynos Hills), Blackburrow. That will easily get you in the teens.

So, lets say I went and bought the Everquest Starter pack with the last 14 expansions(I think that would leave just the most recent one, unpurchased). I SHOULD NOT PATCH it, and it "Should" work as intended. I'm still old school with windows xp pro lol. I am really tempted to go and buy it, I'm that interested in a cool server like this one. Just to get that feel back, and if this does end up working, can someone please come and stand at T1 in EC cave for me just 1 time! You must have a bag o goodies though :) P.S. That whole bag of goodies is not a call out for free items lol. I just want that feeling again when i was 15, in the trade/leveling zone of East Commonlands.
Well, you need to realize that you wont be trading in EC tunnel. Be sure to read this:

East Commons is known as East Plaguelands and all its inhabitants but a small handful have a horrible disease making them insanely aggressive. It is a 55-65 level zone. There really is not one place where people trade. They mostly use the listsold system over the bank.

Bottomline: while you may get part of the "feel" of Live, this is all custom content. While the zone files for East Commons is used, it is a completely different zone. The mobs are different and all the NPC's.

But yes, load what you have and jump in. XP is just fine. Do not patch from live at all.
Yeah I read alot on these didn's realize they revamped EC. O well still going to give it a try when i get it working, thanks for all your help and will hopefully see ya in game :)
Hahahaseems like everytime I find something wrong and write it in the forums I fix it. So ill try this again, I got logged in made a bard and my graphics are WAY messed up. The first quest guy in the dream, his head went from normal size to comstantly growing, also when i /sit, I just sit forever and keep falling. I dunno what to do this time, maybe run in 95 compatibility mode or something?
Depends on what your running honestly. If your rocking a duel core you might want to read up on that. It tends to make your graphics freak out with what your describing. There is a post about it in the technical forum. OR you could use the patcher and just bind it to a single processor.
yeah, sounds like the multi core issue, make sure you bind affinity using the checkbox on the patcher if you have a multi core pc.
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