New to the EQEmu world...


Dalayan Beginner
Hullo all, I am a long time MMO player, just now looking to get back into things a bit. I played EQ for 7 or 8 years, EQII for 2, WoW for 5 (almost caused a divorce LoL), and a bunch of the others for little short spurts. I have currently been out of the gaming world for about 18 months now due to my wife and having a wonderful set of twins. Now that things have calmed down a little, I would like to casually get back into it, but with no pressure at all. I look forward to meeting you all in-game.
Also while I am getting everything set up to run SoD (thank god I still had up to Underfoot patch completed), what are the most desirable classes here? I have played almost every class to max level and raided on EQlive, minus say Berserkers which I don't think I ever made past level 7 LoL. Any opinions would be greatly appreciated.
Desirable Classes - Cleric, Shaman, BST (there aren't many, but each guild only needs one. So this is a number dependent thing for raids and how good their buffs are. )

There are no pariah classes, though int casters have a hell of a time getting a group before they reach tier 9

edit: forgot bards are naturally desirable, but there are a lot of them. I don't think they have trouble with groups though.
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Classes that seem to be abundant are Necro, Pally, Bard, Druid. Even still, Pally and Druid are still desirable for xp groups, Necros are great dps and can find thier way into groups/raids, and of course Bards are good for...everything. If you main a class you can take it as far as you like. Play what you like, and welcome to SoD :D
Yeah, they covered major classes already. I would suggest 2-boxing, as that is allowed (but only 2-boxing, no more), and I would steer you away from making a warrior, because most guilds have a main warrior already.
I got everything set up last night, and someone had mentioned about the 2-boxing, so I am now in the process of determining a 2-box team. Was thinking Pally/Druid or Pally/Shaman, or maybe just DPS it up and do Rogue as the Melee. Not quite sure yet, but I look forward to seeing you all in-game.
Clerics aren't the best 2box duo class, but if you're willing and able to play a cleric and not suck at it, you'll be in demand and loved forever.
Cleric and DPS is easy to manage, easier than tank healer at least. As long as your box isn't attention intensive ( like wizard, mage, etc...) should be cake. Clerics are loved if played well, and most guilds and groups won't mind you bringing a box along if its the case.
i decided to primary a druid/pally box, and secondary if i get bored a cleric/rogue box. if anyone is bored and wants to level with a lowbie, any help is appreciated.

Sykkenn - Lvl 4 Pally
Reanie - Lvl 4 Druid

Sykken - Lvl 1 Rogue
Quelen - Lvl 1 Cleric
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