New to SoD


Dalayan Beginner
Hey all, just want to introduce myself. I came across SoD a few hours ago and, I like what is going on! I'm very excited to get in and start playing. Haven't played EQ since way back when and well, I want a fresh start. Figured I may as well start here. I'm downloading now and i'm hoping I don't run into any snags getting into the emulator. I've got the wiki pulled up, it seems simple enough. I take it it won't be a problem for someone to assist me if, for some reason, I have issues getting the game set up? Anyway, i'm looking forward to playing with you fine folks!
Welcome to Shards! Hope to see you on-line soon. There are plenty of folks that can help you if you have setup problems. If you have questions about the game once you are logged in, you already found the wiki, which is a good source of information, but you could also ask in guild (Dalayas Beginners) as well as on global channel (/ooc). If I or my wife are online, you could ask either of us - I play Aynahe or Ryst and she plays Amalthea or Tani ... she's the nice one (others can vouch for that)! ;)
A few things new players probably want to know about:
Cesspits - what a great zone for 10+
The Main Quest - if you don't like farming greens you should check the wiki and try doing the MQ as you level, or just farm green later
Alignment - check out the wiki pages on Alignment/Religion and pick one early. this will also direct your path through the MQ
Adepts - interesting challenges that are level locked. check the wiki for info about adepts, community toons, and the lvl 52 adept ring quest (pretty amazing)
Newport ring quest and tmap quest - you get really great items from these two quests and the also gear from advanced tmaps at 55+
Bounties in Thurgadin - starting at lvl 45 you can do these and get gear you will not replace until well into raiding. check out the wiki page
The wiki - wiki wiki wiki
Hey all, just want to introduce myself. I came across SoD a few hours ago and, I like what is going on! I'm very excited to get in and start playing. Haven't played EQ since way back when and well, I want a fresh start. Figured I may as well start here. I'm downloading now and i'm hoping I don't run into any snags getting into the emulator. I've got the wiki pulled up, it seems simple enough. I take it it won't be a problem for someone to assist me if, for some reason, I have issues getting the game set up? Anyway, i'm looking forward to playing with you fine folks!

I just want to piggyback (eh eh) on what catbeard said. These are things that are super important to new players and old alike.

If we could (after 2.5 gets all bug fixed) re-dev the tutorial to introduce players (even with just Taryth's sweet sultry voice as a voiceover while they point at a map or pan around a zone) into all the cool things that other servers DON'T have that are super useful I think that would be very helpful. Atm you just have word of mouth, but to #letitbeknown would be dolla dolla bill y'all.
Thanks guys! I'm having a lot of fun! Rolled a DE Nec, currently hanging out in the Cesspits. IG is Etummu if ya'll would like to add me, or have a lower lvl toon and want to group. Feel free to send a tell! Only problems i've run into are low lvl gear quest bugs and well, not finding gear lol. Currently still wearing basic starter gear with basic cloth fillers. Still pulling off 3-5 mobs a pull solo at lvl 12.
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