New to SoD


Dalayan Beginner
Ready to get in and get crackin! Community looks awesome, and I was looking for a little bit of that old EQ feeling but with new things to conquer! Woot woot!! Now trying to figure out what class I shall be for my first toon :)
I would recommend a healer or utility class if you're looking to get in and start raiding early on. Enchanter, cleric, bard, and beastlord are all classes most guilds want but either can't fill or find.
Ready to get in and get crackin! Community looks awesome, and I was looking for a little bit of that old EQ feeling but with new things to conquer! Woot woot!! Now trying to figure out what class I shall be for my first toon :)

Welcome to SOD! I am glad you decided to join us! And quite glad I decided to look in the forums. I am the Helpmaster of Moontree, a guild formed specifically for players like yourself! We will spend allot of time farming lobie items, helping by buffing and such in newbie zones. If you would be so kind as to tell me the name of your character, I would live to send you some equipment through the listing system, no strings attached! Oh yes, and no charge! I do hope to hear from you soon!
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