New to SoD


Dalayan Beginner

I used to love the "Game". Moved onto other games around the GoD era. It's nice to see some familiar aspects, but I'm also excited to see the different side of things.

Now if I could only get out of work......
bildo0073 said:
Now if I could only get out of work......

Might as well quit your job now as it will eventually happen after you start playing Shards of Dalaya.

Good luck to ya!
I managed to keep my job after all the other games. Hopefully this won't be much different. I'm guessing the wife wouldn't like the "out of work/playing games" version of me...
bildo0073 said:
I managed to keep my job after all the other games. Hopefully this won't be much different. I'm guessing the wife wouldn't like the "out of work/playing games" version of me...
That's why you find an e-mistress who's great at teh cyb0rz!

Welcome to SoD! Look to Tapein if you need some of that e-love, he's got you covered. Just send him a tell claiming that you're someone named Elitra =P
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