New to SoD (not Eq)


Dalayan Beginner
Ya so i found this a bit back, and lately i've started wanting to play again but the free aspect... Ya i like it and since i wont be as serious abut it as i used to be i have things i have to do now not when i was in college, and highschool so much.

I quit in 04 with a 66 Ranger on Torvvonilous in Darkstar Alliance, i quit to play halo competitively... This will be better than playing Diablo 2 all the time haha...

Im sure ill play a WE Ranger again and with the name Mourak again... hah
I played on Torv as well, quit the day Luclin was opened up. Think you may find a few more folks from Torv floating around. I've been here on and off since '05ish.

I hope you enjoy it here, take the time to read up on the wiki and stuff.
Lets see i got into the Elemental Planes before i quit and decided i didnt want to have to lvl past 65... And it'd be nice to see some familiar names although im doubting that would happen or if i would even recognize the names.

See ya in game.
I played a shaman named Slareth, I raided with BoW on and off before I left the game when Luclin went in. I can't remember any other guilds I was in or raided with.
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Ya i was in a couple other bigger guilds but that was the main one... Right now im having problems getting the game working... It worked the first time but would skip really bad to begin with then i changed some of the graphic settings but now its not working it gets to the character select and i enter the world and the screen stays black. Odd
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