New to SoD here.


Dalayan Beginner
Hello, Played for over 8 years on live. quit to play wow and now I'm making my way back here. installing EQ as we speak so I can play here. Looking forward to meeting some of you =)

Not sure on a name yet. or what i'll be playing. Any suggestion on what is needed on the server? looking to maybe do some light raiding. or what server to play on?
Welcome to Shards of Dalaya.

I would try magician, they seem to be fairly rare in the game at this point. Shards of Dalaya only has one playable server, titled "SoD Malath Server", which everyone plays on. In terms of raiding, there are a decent selection of casual raiding guilds, just check the guild lists on the forums.

P.S. Before you choose a name be sure to read up on the naming policy. There are rules for names that are more strict than other servers.
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