New to SoD, but not EQ


Dalayan Beginner
Hey there, I'm Rinweth. I used to play on the Saryrn server a while back. I left EQ primarily because of the poor community, and also for the fact that the game felt really cheap when Gates of Discord came out. I first started playing back in 2001. I forget exactly which month. It was just before Shadows of Luclin came out, so I got to experience the classic game before the major changes started. I remember watching my brother wander around in the commonlands, and I new right then an there, that I wanted to join this MMOG experience, so I got my own account that Christmas.

Anywho, enough of the long intro. After playing around with my favorite class (Druid) on your server, I'm starting to fall in love with the game all over again. The new content your team has added is refreshing.
Re: New to SoD, but not Game

Hmm, if memory servers me, it was a couple months after the release of GoD. Yeah I think it was the following April. I got a few "Come back to EQ" trials from SOE since then, but each time I only played it for a day. I couldn't get into how the game turned out.
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